Thursday, February 17, 2011

Preparation for the big trip

To some people, this preparation stuff isn't hard to them but for me... argh! Every time I take a step forward, I end up two steps back. I'm sure though that everything will fall into place as the time comes around.
So Today after class and work, I walked into the STA travel with a few questions about my plane ticket. Now what I was interested mostly about the possibility of an "open-jaw" ticket. This is, if you didn't already know, you would fly into one country or city and fly out of another one. And this is the step in the door for something of a trip that I will be doing. I don't think there is anything to explain how I feel right now and will be feeling until I turn 22, and even 12 days after that. So yeah right now I want to say I am deeply confused about the plane ticket.... and possibly "torn" because that of prices...

Anyway Financial aid was the first to be taken care of, so check mark! Concurrent Enrollment will be done by tomorrow at 11:30. I will be checked mark bam! bam! bam! here! there! All I need to do is things for myself, like Packing........ itinerary..... possible train ticket, which goes hand-in-hand with the itinerary. So what do you think so far? I know there's more information to give but agh it's late!

Desiree 9:32 Seattle