Saturday, April 30, 2011

Visitas a la Catedral

We had an visit to the Cathedral of Leon... as you can see in many of my past picutures already.. But we had a chance to go up on the platform which is a different view than others. It was quite amazing.. check out my photos..

FUN FACT: the height from the floor to the top is about 30 meters.

Marina, the Oldest (of the two.)

Marina is a very interesting person. She is 11 years.. no wait she just had a birthday, so she is NOW 12 years old... Yeah she loves dancing and it is pretty hilarious because everytime the honey pops or in spanish miel pops commercial comes on, she has this dance either she or her friends have choreographed to the commercial... I laugh but it's not that she's a bad dancer but because she just breaks out in dance once it comes on lol....

I feel what the kids are learning here are so intense... so in terms of her homework, she has language: Ingles, Math, History... the basics... and then she plays the piano... and I'll get a video going of her playing .... Believe me when I say she is good.... Anyway yeah then every weekend.. or almost every weekend she goes with her father to ride horses... and I think it is a class too. So with all that... she is one ambitious girl. What else can I say ..... =)

Mi Casa... Long overdue..

Sorry about this long wait on where I'm living... but here are THE photos, Its pretty awesome here.. but it has been weird because little things were having troubles.. like the sink in the kitchen had a little leak...

And then one of the photo has a caption of "La cocina Americana"... I didn't know this was an american idea but the same room of the kitchen and the dining room... they just call it "the american kitchen"... MUY INTERESANTE....

Anyway WELCOME TO MY CRIB lol...

Monday, April 25, 2011

Amazing...... race

I just watched four episodes of the Amazing Race to chatch up because those four episodes happened while I am away... anyway I can't believe my two of three of my favorite teams got eliminated within these four episodes. ='(

1. Jet and Cord (the Cowboys)
2. Ron and Christina (the Chinese Father-Daugether)

The third team is Flight-TIme and Big Easy (the Globetrotters), but they were close to getting eliminated too...

The amazing race is something I want to do too, but yeah that's a big goal for me. Anyway I also wanted to point out the episode that Margie & Luke got eliminated, I cried... not for them getting eliminated but because of the tasks that they went through...

That tea testing one ...hmm I'd like to try but I would know how it is to easily get frustrated. It was amazing that the people from the task helped a little for Luke to finish. And then when finally he did find the right tea... not only did his mom clap for him but the workers apart of the task too....
Maybe you can find it online..... Anyway here's the table from Wikipedia of who's left.....

** THaNk goodness for the WiFi and the internet so that I could watch this.. =)

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Been Since....

So its has been awhile since I've posted yes... for a couple of reasons...

One: I went along with my Spainish family to Valencia, well actually Cullera, which is actually 5-10 min drive away from Valencia.

Two: Once I got back which was about Thursday evening, Semana Santa has already begun, and so I also wanted to catch up with my friends/classmates.

The "Valencia" trip amazing! I mean I can say I've missed the the beach until I went been there and now say I miss the beach now that I'm back in Leon. Uh I did a little message writting through my phone... (I'll add that later... it pretty much has all the details of the trip... well the whole trip in summary...)

Faro Cullera/Valencia
                *****HERE are some more PICTURES taken from my iPHONE. =)
                        check out my video ... lol One is of a stadium like Spain's mini Colosseum, I mean it was built by the Romans...

When I came back... I came back to rain... boo! not only is it rain in general, but because of it, the parades were cancelled. Which is why I only caught two of them. And don't worry there are pictures... If and WHEN you see them, there are amazing! There has been a band practicing out in San Francisco Park for the past month in the evening. And I always wondered why... other than the obvious for school or a club. But I assumed it was for something big because it was the same song, again and again. Turns out it was one of the three or was it four bands apart of the parades/processions for Semana Santa. And one main reasons there were bands is to keep tempo for the people carrying the platforms.. OOOH those platforms are amazing designed and beautiful. I took pictures this morning from the last procession to show how many people actually carry it. And my spanish family actually explained to me that doing it was like a sacrific. And not only did some just carry it, they sacrificed shoes while doing so. *applaud*

I miss you, St. James Cathedral.
[credit to Steve.Korn]

So I haven't actually came across time to fully attend a mass here in Leon or anywhere in Spain, except for Easter Vigil, and Easter. Easter Vigil was at 11pm, and although everything was in Spain, I understood because I was prepped so well at St. James. Serving as an Altar Server and an Eucharistic Minister, isn't just something I do during mass but something that is a part of me.

Anyway there are a few photos that are dark but of one light.. that's their Pascua candle. I remember like the fire out front of St. James late at night to light our new candle... I took a close up on it earlier today(Sunday).

I've still need to take my city shots of Leon.

Anyway HERE, HERE and HERE are the links(all the same) to my Semana Santa events. =)
So according to the album, WHEN you look through it all, it goes Thursday's procession/parade... thats the one with the hoods... AND NO ITS NOT THE KKK. although my spanish mom likes to refer to it. (she also like to refer to the Yankees...) but anyway then there are the dark shots, and after reviewing them you can see a few people in the shot... one person being the archbishop of Leon. And then goes into Easter mass. There are more pictures of Easter than there are the Vigil because I didn't want to just keep taking fotos. And ends with the last procession without the hoods... like the big last one! Oh yeah I also took a few sample voice memos via Iphone.... check them out and

to all my family and friends in Seattle...
**Video was in Cullera, where Ana tried to be a model walking to the music..