Thursday, August 18, 2011

2nd of the 2 written posts never posted!

So here is another one of the writings I missed to post. This was when I was in Madrid, leaving to Barcelona, and off to through France and into Italy.

Sitting in the Puerta de Atocha train station and it was a little frustrating that I missed the train that I wanted to take. I have an hour to wait but I would have preferred to have taken the 830 train instead of the 930. The 930 gets me to Barcelona at 12:48 which is a little stressing because then I have another train to FRANCE (Nice), which leaves at 13:00. Yeah now you can see the thing that I have to put myself through, haha! But you know in the long run, it’s all gravy. … I just had a little moment of thought about Maria and the gals: Ana, Marina, and Abu, all have a place in my heart.  I remember the day I left Huahine, what pain that was. And here I am doing it again. ….. This train is moving really fast, hence then calling it the speed train…. So because I actually spent my last night in Leon in the bar, I probably should have not had that last beer…. Although I successfully made it to my train going in to France.  I’m still quite unsure about how this is going to go but I think I’ll be fine so far. Other than the places I want to visit as a tourist, there is also the language. I feel though that France is a little more prepared than Spain was. Well I can’t lie, Spain was a little accommodating with English, but hopefully I can find if not better, nor the same but somewhat accommodating. It is now 2 minutes before departure to France. And oh yeah not to mention that I do not have a reservation at a hostel. I’m going to hope for the best to make sure that the hostel is still vacant. So, until we meet again in about over a week, GOODBYE SPAIN, and HELLO FRANCE.

<3 Desiree Bungay


So, I was cleaning out my mini laptop baby, and I found two documents that had a little writing on my first couple of days traveling. I never realized I would of found myself traveling on my own. I still find it amazing that I went through the whole thing on my own. You know, I sort of make myself cry, because it is such an experience I can take with me and one day either relive it again, or tell it to my family/kids in the future to inspire them to do such activities also, and see the world. Anyway here it is...

Seatac Airport.
                I remember I used to work here. Borders bookstore in the main concord. Anyway I am sitting in the North part of the airport. My gate is N16 and it was right in front of escalator if you take the train thing…. Which I also remember taking when flying out to the Philippines. Hm… I didn’t think I would feel the way I did…. Completely different from when I left for Tahiti. The relieve that you know you are traveling with people you know, takes the less steep hill whereas when you travel alone, you fall off the cliff. Hey I wanted to tell the experience also about mobile boarding pass… at first it was complicated because everyone else has the paper passes but maybe like 2 or 3 people are holding their phone… HEY if you have a smartphone check into United’s mobile boarding pass. Save the Trees!

Being that my flight from SeaTac to Washington Dulles was soooooo early, I slept through my flight maybe 3 hours of the total 4. But that window seat was cool for that one hour that I was awake. Have you ever looked out the window and just stared at the wings? It’s interesting because landing a portion of the wing goes down and then another goes up…. I wonder what the effect of those do.

This is bits and pieces of my first day, I’m sure the regularity of these posts will come along especially when I get to Leon, Spain. Getting off the plane this morning, felt like everything was closed, and the sun was still down, and my body wanted to be tired but my eyes were wide open. The gate that we landed at wasn’t a part of the main building, so there were buses shuttling from the plane to the building, where baggage claim was right there. (Well, right after the stamping passport and taking of that paper…) And then I even counted about 20 mins for the luggage carousel to begin distributing luggage.
My first goal was to find the Metro station/ place, which wasn’t that hard considering that there are signs leading me to it. I do have to say though that baggage claim is so far from the Metro station. It’s like arriving at SeaTac, getting dropped off at the first sign and walking across to the last sign and then back. Or maybe it just felt like that. So getting to Metro was not hard, but what was, was the obtaining the ticket to take the Metro. Yeah, all I have to say is avoid using machines.. (confuzziled..!!) Anyway taking the subway wasn’t hard either other than the difference of if you want your door open or not. Assuming it would be like the Sound Transit, which the doors would automatically open, WRONG! It’s either a button, or a like a latch. Following others’ as if they were first, is probably the best to go.  Yeah, so I figured out how to get to Plaza del Sol; easy!! Next goal: finding my hostel. My hostel, if you didn’t already know was called RC Miguel Angel. Don’t really know what the RC really stands for but finding this place was maybe 5 times more complicated than finding the Metro station at the airport. But I don’t blame myself too much because the sign that I assume would say Hostel Miguel Angel, or something of that sort, didn’t actually. This was the sign: Hostel something else… okay, maybe it didn’t really say something else.. it just wasn’t what I expected it to be. So finding it, being let it. Then once I thought it would be all comforting that I am somewhere where I can relax, yeah no lost again. (Don’t comment on the “yeah no” part because if I were really saying it, it wouldn’t be so weird sounding. ) Another assumption: failed.  You know a friend told me, “Assuming is the worst mistake anyone can make.” I thought there would be a front desk to be greeted; it was just a hallway leading to some stairs where the lights were off.  Something which is a little along the lines of some advice a co-worker gave me, “If you feel like the situation is bad, then run.” That went somewhere in the story of how she knew Amanda Knox, yeah you probably know what those intentions are. Anyway I figured the light switch and found an elevator without labels, just floor numbers. Lucky enough I put two and two together to get that the 4th floor which was the button to get buzzed in. Although I didn’t realize all this until I walked a flight up, which isn’t too bad, just a pre-build of my leg muscles.
                Coming to the front desk, it was a little hard knowing that I would need to kick in some Spanish but lucky break again that the front desk guy spoke a little English. Check-in not until 1pm officially, but I am welcome to leave my luggage in the storage until then.
                Walking back to the Plaza del Sol, I had to chance to take out my camera and begin the record for pictures on a three month study program. I also remembered that I would walk over the Oficia de Tourisma in the Plaza del Mayor. At first Plaza del Mayor was dead with the exceptions of the early walkers. And it wasn’t until I walked around the same block maybe about 2-3 times, had the center start to fill. Outside seating, characters dressed and stores/restaurants opening. There was a dressed Minny Mouse there, don’t know exactly why but she was there. Massive bubbles blown, like bubbles from Spongebob. Speaking of Spongebob, there was a dressed him in the Plaza del Sol later on, when I tried to find the hostel back again. After actually finding the Tourism Office, they had WiFi, so I sent out some emails, check my inbox and whatever else I could while on it, except for post this. (If you must know, I’m currently sitting in a Starbucks looking over Calle Arenal, actually two stores away from my hostel.) After marking my map with destination that I should visit, I make my way somewhere and actually get lost. I stumble across a church, which I cannot provide pictures for because it wasn’t allowed but oohh!
The amazing features and the built; it was about half a block big. Structure almost reminded me of St. James. I actually didn’t know it was open to go inside because the doors were closed but god watches over because a lady instructed me if I would like to go inside.  If you have ever been to St. James, the great doors on the west side of the building are amazing with design. These great doors weren’t open, and although un-designed, they were massive. I would love to see them open, giving light inside the building. Each part of the church had these coin machines hooked up to candles that would light if you donated a little. But I’ll find out the name of this church….. later.
I ended up at the Plaza de Sta. Ana which also neighbors Teatro Español. I knew I wasn’t going to see a showing, but I didn’t catch what they were playing. BTW I also found a cine too. (Don’t really remember where that is either.)
So finally waiting the last 20 mins to check-in at Starbucks next door. Thinking about my next move, but all I know so far is SLEEP and change shoes…. My poor flats were beneficial at the airport, but all this walking and also Madrid cries on my first day, didn’t treat my flats too well. I love these zebra flats too. They’re not too damaged; hopefully I can help it later.  Should I buy gifts now from Madrid, or wait last min = Friday??
                Who loves shopping?! I love shopping! Oh yeah, but money saving too….
001 602 597 2395 24/7
Purchases 3% visa
Withdraw 1% international + 5$ conversion fee

I cut it off with some notes about my bank of america information about what they'll charge... hey I'll post that too just in case in the future.
<3 Desiree Bungay