Tuesday, April 05, 2011





** these photos are of my first paseo* sola... I walked toward the river which I found wonderfully.... and on the way found the McDonalds and of course I had to take a photo because it was like an epiphany because obviously I took a picture of it.... (laughs & applauds)... I found the river and walked along finding the stadium, futbol and the toro. I also discovered the B&W feature on my camera hence taking a few artistical shots, as well as the orange feature.... or the dingey orange kine.

The last part with the other students (Adi, Christina, Kyle and Jane) was a different day to the opposity side of town. Those are minimal but will add more when I discover those from the other cameras. yup!
But I did get a final good shot of the cathedral. MASSIVE!

* Paseo (sola) is a walk. People here after seista (nap time) take a paseo through town, by the river, around the block. It's basically wandering. The additive "sola" indicates the accompanying nobody.

Email Inspired Post.

What you are about to read is going to shock you to full extent... Please take caution as you proceed ahead.... haha No just kiddin.... Got an email and it inspired me to use it as a template for my next post. here, of course. (red = message, black = my response)...... Read, enjoy, and leave some comments...

Well, well, well……you must be partying up in Leon since I have not heard from you for a long time. No, well I’ve just been sleeping a lot. We would go out to bars for maybe one beer, or one café con leche, and then sit and talk and talk. Jane, some of the other students and I sometimes have conversations like some of the classes we’ve had. Jane talked about growing up in Alaska. You also have not updated your blog for several days except this past weekend. Yeah I know I haven’t updated, but I knew I wasn’t going to do it every day. It’s like doing homework, don’t want to do it every day. Plus I remember to write and then find things to write about and then when I open the browser to write it, I don’t remember it, so that’s why I’m trying to find a way to take notes or write about smaller things for each post whereas each day activities.  How are you doing there?

I’m doing good anyway. Are you doing fine? School  doesn’t feel like school. It’s more like daily workshops. Because I know I’m not going to campus and seeing 50 million other students….. haha! How is school? But even though I don’t feel like it’s school, I’m always doing Spanish all the time. With the family, when I want to go somewhere else. With the exception of going out with the other students. Are you concentrating on your studies? The family is great. There is a mom, a grandmother, a 11 yr old sister and a 3 yr old sister. (all references from my position.)   Is your family treating you good? Like Tony(professor) said, they feed us three times a day. Breakfast not so much cause I don’t get up in time, but they leave me a café con leche. But I try everything they offer. Well I ask if it looks weird first but I try a little anyway.   What type of food are you eating there? Ana, the little sister, is better. I just remember how right before I went to sleep, mama came into my room and tried to tell me taking to hospital. It’s just chest stuffiness. I forget the word for it…. Indigestion? Doesn’t sound right but a lot of flem kinda thing. How was your little sister? Last time I heard, she went to the hospital. And no they told me I can stay out whenever I like, but I don’t stay out no longer than 1pm on regular, but if I know the other girls want to go dancing say Friday night, 3 or 4 at the latest because I can’t even keep up with the all night.  I hope you are not causing your family to worry about you when you are always out & about. And going out dancing we won’t drink any more than we can handle. We’ve talked about it before. Our group is pretty intertwined. So although it’s the 2nd week, we’re more than willing to watch each other. Plus I agree with Jane when she said that their nightlife isn’t an exciting environment, other than the late night being open. There aren’t much people dancing, and drinking. More people just talking than wanting to get wasting. Although there are those  certain peoples…. Ek! I hope you are not drinking yourself to drunkenness. Remember that the bad things that happened to people are when they get to irresponsible about drinking. I hope you are being very responsible and treating your family with respect by helping  out and informing them when you are going somewhere and letting them know when you are going to be late. And no I haven’t actually had a chance to get to church. I’ve been inside a church, but not a mass yet. You know you’re reminding is unnecessary. I always went out with Edelyn Saturday night there, but always have made it to church. (except for once.) But this week I’m planning to take un paseo around la cuidad to take photos of Leon. That also includes stopping by the cathedral to see when masses are. I haven’t decided whether not I want to attend a Sunday mass, or a weekday. But I am planning to make it to at least once in the quarter to both. Have you been going to church? Of all places, I hope you are. One mass a week is not that terrible. YES! Are you still taking pictures? I have not seen any picture of Leon, nor your school, nor your family, nor your home…not any. I hope you are being very careful about your spending? Tuition, Check. Balance watching, check. A lot of us are worried about spending so much, so every time we go around to check out new stores, I either don’t bring money or just challenge the idea of necessity. Did you check your tuition balance? Everything is all well, as of what MyUW says, but sometimes the Pin/Chip card doesn’t do through. And I have no way of checking it’s balance because I called once and said I couldn’t access since I wasn’t you. Is everything all processed? Is your monetary situation okay? As you can see I have many, many, many questions. That’s okay, since I realized what I’m typing I could use as a blog entry. Two birds, with one stone. BAM! I guess you can see that we are concern that we have not heard from you. Since you do have WiFi at home, I would assume that you are keeping in touch more often or updating your blog at least more often. Well it’s a daily challenge trying to learn language, but sometimes I just don’t remember. [Oh BTW, WiFi is pronounced here, (wee-fee)] Anyway, a lot of people at church and some at work said they are following your blog and some are loving your posted pictures. Yes as the messenger, Joseph has been telling me.
I hope you are taking care of yourself and I hope you are being very responsible. We do miss you here. I can’t believe you are only gone for a little more than two weeks. It seems like a long time ago. .......... Anyway, just write me nightly or every other night or keep your blog updated at least every night or every other night or at least regularly.

Funcionar = to work (for things)
Trabajar = to work (for people)

** Don't use the other way around or they'll laugh. =|

<3 Desiree B
Miss Seattle! Miss you!

Sunday, April 03, 2011

The Lazy Weekend

15 Posts, last published on Mar 29, 2011

And today is April 3, and now about 4:40pm. And it's Sunday even though it doesn't really feel like it. I havent been to church in two weeks, but because I wanted to dance last night, I hadn't set my alarm to wake this morning. I guess I'll set up some information when the perfect time to go to church. Maybe I'll do a weekday service. Because I found out the line up of excursions are some weekends... so if I get into the Leon habit of going to church, it will soon be broken.

But so far Leon, and Espana.. I love it. It's so great. It hasn't really dawned upon me quite fully that I'm in a totally different country without the people I usually would be travelling with. I remember last quarter when I started Spanish back up, I wrote about when I was younger, my family and I used to travel everywhere. Well, at least that's what it felt like. Although our destinations weren't far, we were, as I will describe it as everywhere. Now that my travelling has evolved, I am currently in a different continent, alone. Well can't really say alone, because I know my classmates now. But coming into the program, I did it alone.

Anyway, A few classmates and I were speaking yesterday about the ability to communicate with the locals. And one girl said her family hosted a student last year who is back with a different program. And he has so far taken  6-7 years of Spainish and sometimes still doesn't understand what some people say. The relieve is slightly taken off, but it's just so hard. Anyway....

The people of Spain are soooooo great. I mean other than the fact that you may be pick-pocketed, they are more than happy to help out someone lost. A person like myself, shy and very hesitant to ask for help has been approached by others. It's quite amazing that people will stop and show you and make you understand, and then be on their way. Hey in Seattle, people don't do that. And I can say that for myself because I don't stop to help, only if they are completely lost, or they ask. But anyway it's great, but funny because there's the obvious language barrier.

Hm... But this weekend, my life was swallowed by the night life. A lot of dancing is just about it. And things don't close at 2pm in the states, but whenever, I guess. I can't stay out longer to find out actually when things close. =p But hopefully I can get up tomorrow morning. Anyway now is time for a paseo. (.....a  walk......)