Sunday, April 03, 2011

The Lazy Weekend

15 Posts, last published on Mar 29, 2011

And today is April 3, and now about 4:40pm. And it's Sunday even though it doesn't really feel like it. I havent been to church in two weeks, but because I wanted to dance last night, I hadn't set my alarm to wake this morning. I guess I'll set up some information when the perfect time to go to church. Maybe I'll do a weekday service. Because I found out the line up of excursions are some weekends... so if I get into the Leon habit of going to church, it will soon be broken.

But so far Leon, and Espana.. I love it. It's so great. It hasn't really dawned upon me quite fully that I'm in a totally different country without the people I usually would be travelling with. I remember last quarter when I started Spanish back up, I wrote about when I was younger, my family and I used to travel everywhere. Well, at least that's what it felt like. Although our destinations weren't far, we were, as I will describe it as everywhere. Now that my travelling has evolved, I am currently in a different continent, alone. Well can't really say alone, because I know my classmates now. But coming into the program, I did it alone.

Anyway, A few classmates and I were speaking yesterday about the ability to communicate with the locals. And one girl said her family hosted a student last year who is back with a different program. And he has so far taken  6-7 years of Spainish and sometimes still doesn't understand what some people say. The relieve is slightly taken off, but it's just so hard. Anyway....

The people of Spain are soooooo great. I mean other than the fact that you may be pick-pocketed, they are more than happy to help out someone lost. A person like myself, shy and very hesitant to ask for help has been approached by others. It's quite amazing that people will stop and show you and make you understand, and then be on their way. Hey in Seattle, people don't do that. And I can say that for myself because I don't stop to help, only if they are completely lost, or they ask. But anyway it's great, but funny because there's the obvious language barrier.

Hm... But this weekend, my life was swallowed by the night life. A lot of dancing is just about it. And things don't close at 2pm in the states, but whenever, I guess. I can't stay out longer to find out actually when things close. =p But hopefully I can get up tomorrow morning. Anyway now is time for a paseo. (.....a  walk......)

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