Sunday, May 08, 2011


Imagine all the people....

Inā! Imagine!

I wanted to post this video because my life is just a speck of my imagination. Being in Spain, barely touches the mirror of reality. Wanting to go back home to be with family and friends is the stepping stones of this world of imagination. I miss everyone.... mom, dad, bros, lola (both, all!) all the aunties, and uncles..... both blood and all in my life. My Ninongs and Ninangs.... I miss everyone in one way or another....

But this can only really dedicated to one person... my mom. (Hey i tried calling... BTW) But in terms of the US's calendar.... Happy Mother's day.... One can only imagine what or who they would be if it wasn't for their mothers.

So Happy Mother's Day to you mom!... and to all the mothers out there, never think once you are not forgotten... because we are ohana: family: no body is left behind or forgotten.


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