Sunday, June 12, 2011

BARCELONA/ CATALUÑA + San Marcos in Leon

The weekend after our trip to Galecia, about half the class went to Barcelona to view the city as well there. We did tons of walking, and on the last day Alyce and I had to rest, we took the whole Sunday afternoon to nap and rest our legs. But we took two tours, one was of Gaudi’s work in Barcelona. If you do not know who Gaudi is, he is an architect who was a perfectionist. He was also a…. uhhhh what’s the word for rioter, not the violent kine but the one from the rights… etc etc. Anyway he did a lot of that. But his buildings were beautiful. AMAZING as well. The church, Sangre Familia, (I belief I spelled that wrong) was an OMG! It is magnificently desgined, tediously detailed, and completely WOW! It is stilli in construction, but it is definitely going to turn out amazing, and even more amazing than it already is now. The Cathedral of Barcelona, which isn’t the Sangre Familia, is also in construction was just as amazing in its own way. Oh well…. The other tour was just of the neighborhood, a little history here and there, and what history Barcelona has a part of Cataluña. I can tell you stories if you point out which pictures… but there is too much to describe at the moment. 

Aside of site looking, Ms Jane Frazee took me to the Primavera Sound 2011. Along with Paul Matheson, who had bought his own ticket, enjoyed some music Saturday evening and night. What a night! We wanted to be WOW, and wear body paint, which can I say is HARD to remove after letting it sit on you. *sad face* but anyway I found a new idol, Merril from TuNe YaRdS… her vibes and inspiration pushes me to DREAM BIG, and EVEN BIGGER!... Anyway I also got to meet Skye, I think this is how to spell his name, but he is a part of Fleet Foxes. They were awesome too, playing up there on stage. Skye is a friend of Jane’s, hence her bringing me for free. Anyway we left Thursday after class before the weekend, stayed over the weekend, and came back Monday, just in time for cooking class.

I heart Barcelona. Creo que Barcelona es más major como Madrid. <3 

Mini part-blog about San Marcos, if I had already written about this in a previous blog… OOPS but oh well here it goes again, this excursion to San Marcos was on the Thursday before Galicia, I believe. Anyway really quickly since this was way back in the day was highly interesting, but only because I have a high tolerance for churches. I base this off of the other student’s complaining about another church, another museum, another cathedral… etc etc. But not only was this church one of the museums of Leon, but also a hotel. I maybe even the most oldest in Leon, possibly, not quite sure about that one, but the church has its differences than the actually cathedral of Leon. Apart of this excursion, we also visited the contemporary art museum of Leon.  This museum was a little out of my interest but then again, quite different. This is because the art was very hmmmmm….? There were different sections for different types, and regions I guess… Like the influences from the Middle East, so there were Arab exhibits… etc etc. Yeah so I mean we just left a little early and return back to our normal Leon lives… LOL.

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